New Monster: Magestone Maelstrom Rockeater

If your players have gotten into a “tank and spank” routine where one battle begins to look a lot like the one before, the Magestone Maelstrom Rockeater (level 16) can mix things up a bit. Its area attacks make it ideal for making your players move around...

Encounter: Fire Flow Crypt

Walking into this room, the floor drops out from under you. Lava begins to flow, limiting your movement options and beginning a countdown to a fiery death. Can your adventurers figure out how to escape in time, or will they be just one more victim of the Fire Flow...

Use a Module or Create from Scratch?

Should you buy a module or create an adventure from scratch?  What works best for you depends on… How much time you have Your experience as a dungeon master Your players’ preferences How much money you have to spend Where do Adventures Come From? –...

New Attack Type: Beam!

Want to mix things up a bit in your next game? Try this new attack type… beam. Beam attacks hit targets in a line from the attacker in any direction. It’s a great way to make your players consider  their characters’ placement. It’s also a lot...

2600+ Fantasy-sounding Names for your RPG or MMO Characters

Stuggle to find just the right name for your Roleplaying character or NPC? Not to worry. I  compiled thousands of fantasy-sounding names, ready to drop into your campaigns. No longer will you choke, and settle for something like “Randy the Destroyer,” just...

Low-cost Miniature Alternatives – Tokens

Once you have a grid or battle mat of some sort to play on, now you just need something to represent player characters and their foes. Could you just spend a lot of money on miniatures?  Sure… and I do. But that doesn’t mean that you have to spend a lot...

Miniatures Battle Mats/Grids for Roleplaying Games

If you’re going to use miniatures in your roleplaying games (and I think you should), you’ll need a good battle mat.  They make it easy to see where player characters and monsters are located and the size and shape of the combat encounter.  Personally, I...

How Many Players is Too Much of a Good Thing?

Maybe you’ve been there.  You plan your adventure for a certain number of players, but twice that many show up.  So what then?  Do you turn some away or just try to roll with it? Don’t Panic! This past weekend, I planned for 6, but 10 players showed up.  I...

Encounter Elements: Degrees of Movement

You don’t fight the same.  If you’re fighting in the Hall of the Mountain King, you have to protect your flanks.  If you’re just in a hallway, not so much. The shape and size of the room in which your players fight makes all the difference in how...