New Monster: Magestone Maelstrom Rockeater

If your players have gotten into a “tank and spank” routine where one battle begins to look a lot like the one before, the Magestone Maelstrom Rockeater (level 16) can mix things up a bit. Its area attacks make it ideal for making your players move around...

Use a Module or Create from Scratch?

Should you buy a module or create an adventure from scratch?  What works best for you depends on… How much time you have Your experience as a dungeon master Your players’ preferences How much money you have to spend Where do Adventures Come From? –...

New Attack Type: Beam!

Want to mix things up a bit in your next game? Try this new attack type… beam. Beam attacks hit targets in a line from the attacker in any direction. It’s a great way to make your players consider  their characters’ placement. It’s also a lot...

2600+ Fantasy-sounding Names for your RPG or MMO Characters

Stuggle to find just the right name for your Roleplaying character or NPC? Not to worry. I  compiled thousands of fantasy-sounding names, ready to drop into your campaigns. No longer will you choke, and settle for something like “Randy the Destroyer,” just...

Low-cost Miniature Alternatives – Tokens

Once you have a grid or battle mat of some sort to play on, now you just need something to represent player characters and their foes. Could you just spend a lot of money on miniatures?  Sure… and I do. But that doesn’t mean that you have to spend a lot...