New Attack Type: Beam!

Want to mix things up a bit in your next game? Try this new attack type… beam. Beam attacks hit targets in a line from the attacker in any direction. It’s a great way to make your players consider  their characters’ placement. It’s also a lot...

Encounter Elements: Degrees of Movement

You don’t fight the same.  If you’re fighting in the Hall of the Mountain King, you have to protect your flanks.  If you’re just in a hallway, not so much. The shape and size of the room in which your players fight makes all the difference in how...

Encounter Elements: Timing

What’s the difference between chess and checkers?  Lots of things, but one of the big ones is timing. Do you want your combat encounters to include scratching of chins and deep thought?  Or do you want combat to feel like combat? If you want fast-paced  action,...

New Article: Selecting the Right Monster for the Encounter

As part of my series on building effective encounters, I started with an article focused on selecting the right creatures for your encounters. In fact, I feel so strongly that using the right creature is key to a great encounter, that I often create my own from...