Maybe you’ve been there.  You plan your adventure for a certain number of players, but twice that many show up.  So what then?  Do you turn some away or just try to roll with it?

Don’t Panic!

This past weekend, I planned for 6, but 10 players showed up.  I would never want to turn anyone away, especially since the week before, only 4 or 5 were there.  However, as the evening progressed and the second battle ensued, it became obvious that I didn’t have all the players’ full attention.  They were playing games on their cell phones between their turns, but who could blame them?  It was 20 minutes between turns at times.  This certainly didn’t feel like a blow-by-blow battle.

So, what to do?  We discussed this among the players, and decided that one of the players, who also DM’s another group, would just have a random encounter planned.  Then, when a lot of players show up, she’ll handle the overflow.  Problem solved, but it’s not always that easy.

If you haven’t run into this problem, you probably will at some point.  Click on the link below to get some ideas on how best to handle this.

Learn to Keep Things Interesting, Even with Many Players