
Blood Golem
Large magical beast
Level 9 Solo
600 XP
war toller bell miniature

Miniature: "Blood Golem" from Dreamblade (out of production)

Initiative +10
HP: 250; Bloodied: 125
AC: 22; Fortitude 23, Reflex 21, Will 20
Speed 6
Senses normal
melee-basic Blood Strike (standard; at-will)
Reach 2; +8 vs. AC; d10+5 damage and additional 5 damage when target is flanked and 5 additional damage to prone targets..
close-blastBlood Blast (standard; recharge dice_fourdice-fivedice-six)
Close burst 1; targets enemies; +11 vs. Fort; d8+5 damage and knocked prone
ranged-basic Gore Cast (standard; at-will)
Range 8; +12 vs. AC; d12+2
Hit: Blood Blight disease: -4 to attack rolls (save ends)

Divide Self: As a minor action, a Blood Golem can divide a portion of itself into a small Blood Minion. When it does so, it loses 25 HP.

Blood Minion
Small magical beast

HP 20; Bloodied 10
AC 19; Fortitude: 20; Reflex: 18; Will: 18
Speed: 3

melee-basic Blood Slash (standard; at-will)
+6 vs. Reflex; d6+1 damage

Free Movement: Blood Golems do not provoke opportunity attacks when they move and may move through enemy squares.

Alignment Evil Languages Common
str 23 (+10) dex 18 (+4) wis 14 (+2)
con 16 (+3) int 11 (+1) cha 16 (+3)

Resist Fire: 5

Vulnerability to Radiant: 5

Blood Mark: (minor action) Marks a target one or two squares away. More than one creature may be marked at one time.

Tactics: Blood Golems attempt to get in close and mark as many enemies as possible. Their Blood Strike deals additional damage when flanking, so it makes every effort to flank.

Blood Golem Lore
A character knows the following information about Blood Golems with a successful Religion check:

DC 20: Blood Golems are undead.

DC 25: Blood Golems are resistant to fire attacks.

DC 28: Blood Golems are vulnerable to radiant attacks.



Creative Role Playing
  (801) 282-2778   creativeroleplaying@gmail.com