
Tunnel Terror Bulette
Large Natural Beast
Level 17 Elite Skirmisher
XP 3,200
magma demon

"Bulette" by Dungeons & Dragons, Dungeons of Dread expansion

Initiative +13 Perception +12
HP: 380; Bloodied: 190
AC: 35;
Fortitude 32, Reflex 29, Will 28
Saving Throws: +2
Speed 8, burrow 8; see also earth furrow
Action Points: 1
Senses darkvision
tremorsense 20
melee-basic Bite (standard; at-will)
Before biting, Tunnel Terror Bulette can make a standing long jump as a free action without provoking opportunity attacks;
+22 vs. AC; 2d8+9 damage, or 4d8+9 damage if target is prone.
close-blast Rising Burst (standard, at-will)
Tunnel Terror Bulette rises out of the ground, spraying rocks and dirt into the air
Close burst 2; +21 vs AC; 1d8+8 damage. On a crit, affected creature(s) are knocked prone.
meleeEarth Furrow (move; at-will)
Tunnel Terror Bulette moves up to its burrow speed (8) just beneath the surface of the ground. It does not provoke opportunity attacks as it passes beneath other creatures' squares.
As it burrows beneath a creature of size Large or smaller, it makes an attack against the creature.
+16 vs. Fortitude; On a hit, target is knocked prone.
Ground Eruption
The squares where Tunnel Terror Bulette begins tunneling and the squares where it surfaces become difficult terrain.
If a Tunnel Terror Bulette starts its turn burrowed underground, it may break free with a Ground Eruption as a minor action.
meleeSieze Prey (standard, Recharge dice_fourdice-fivedice-six)
Tunnel Terror Bulette grabs a victim of size Large or smaller in its jaws and carries them up to twice its movement speed (16 total). The Sieze Prey attack also uses the Tunnel Terror Bulette's movement phase for the turn.
+25 vs. Fortitude; 2d8+4 damage
Alignment Unaligned Languages Can communicate on a basic level in Deep Speech and Primordial languages
str 29 (+18) dex 15 (+11) wis 17 (+12)
con 29 (+18) int 8 (+8) cha 12 (+10)

Tactics: Works in concert with other creatures, where possible. It likes to Earth Furrow and erupt out of the ground next to the creature that looks least armed. It will then attempt to isolate the creature by using Sieze Prey and running down its tunnel with its victim, where it will begin to attack on the next turn. It blocks the tunnel, so the creature can't get back to where it was before without first killing the Tunnel Terror Bulette.

Often a second Tunnel Terror Bulette or other creature with which it is working will be waiting down the tunnel, closing the victim in.

Tunnel Terror Bulette Lore
A character knows the following information about Tunnel Terror Bulettes on a successful Nature check:

DC 15: Tunnel Terror Bulettes live in caves and other underground areas. They are excellent diggers, and may be used by treasure seekers, who can give them simple commands in the deep speech or primordial language.

DC 25: Tunnel Terror Bulettes can attack from just beneath the ground. They move as quickly just beneath the ground as they do above it.


Creative Role Playing
  (801) 282-2778   creativeroleplaying@gmail.com