
Earth Defender
Medium Elemental Magical Beast (earth)
Level 15 Soldier
XP 1,200
magma demon

"Wood Golem" by Mage Knight, Rebellion expansion

Initiative +13 Perception +12
HP: 180; Bloodied: 90
AC: 32;
Fortitude 30, Reflex 28, Will 26
Immune: disease, poison
Speed 7, burrow 6; climb 6; is not affected by difficult terrain
Senses darkvision
tremorsense 20
melee-basic Stone Smash (standard; at-will)
+22 vs. AC; 2d8+7 damage; on a critical hit, Earth Defender may push target up to 3 squares
meleeEarth Burrow (move; at-will)
Earth Defender moves up to its burrow speed (6) through soil or loose rock. If moving through solid rock, speed is reduced to 3 squares.
Earth Defender erupts from the earth into a square adjacent to the last square it moved through the earth, throwing out rocks and dirt. The squares adjacent to the square into which the Earth Defender ends its Earth Burrow action are considered difficult terrain. Earth Defender is not affected by this difficult terrain (or any other difficult terrain).
+25 vs. Reflex; 2d8+1 damage
Earth Mark (minor action)
Earth Defender marks an adjacent creature as a minor action. Earth Defender can have up to 3 creatures marked at a time.
When a creature marked by Earth Defender makes an attack which does not include Earth Defender, it can make a Stone Smash attack as a free action. Damage dealt in this way give Earth Defender temporary hit points equal to half the damage dealt (rounded down).
Alignment Unaligned Languages Deep Speech, Primordial
str 28 (+17) dex 15 (+11) wis 16 (+12)
con 27 (+17) int 8 (+8) cha 14 (+11)

Tactics: Uses its Earth Burrow attack to flank whenever this would provide a tactical advantage.

During turns where it does not move, it trades its move action for a minor action, which it uses to Earth Mark additional creatures if this would provide an advantage.

Earth Defender Lore
A character knows the following information about Earth Defenders on a successful Nature check:

DC 20: Earth Defenders live in caves and other underground areas. They are excellent diggers and climbers, often used in sieges against well-defended fortresses.

DC 25: Earth Defenders can mark their opponents and can strike back when a marked creature makes an attack that does not include them.


Creative Role Playing
  (801) 282-2778   creativeroleplaying@gmail.com