
Medium elemental magical beast (fire)
Level 7 Artillery
300 XP
war toller bell miniature

Miniature: "Magma" from Heroclix (out of production)

Initiative +7
HP: 70; Bloodied: 35
AC: 20; Fortitude 18, Reflex 24, Will 21
Speed 7
Senses normal
melee-basic Flame Spike (standard; at-will)
+8 vs. Fort; d10+8 fire damage
ranged-basic Flame Spit (standard; at-will)
Range 10; +12 vs. AC; d12+2 fire damage
This attack affects all creatures up to 6 squares behind the target creature or square.
Move: Blink dice_fourdice-fivedice-six

Teleport up to 4 squares away from your current square.

Alignment Unaligned Languages Common
str 12 (+1) dex 18 (+4) wis 16 (+3)
con 18 (+4) int 14 (+2) cha 14 (+2)

Resist Fire: 8

Vulnerability to Frost: Emberglows take 50% additional damage (rounded down) when hit with cold-based attacks.

Tactics: Emberglows attempt to position itself such that its Flame Spit affects as many targets as possible (those in a line). It attempts to stay as far away from defenders and strikers as possible, while still staying within range of its Flame Spit.

Emberglow Lore
A character knows the following information about Emberglows with a successful Dungeoneering check:

DC 20: Emberglows are fire elementals.

DC 25: Emberglows are resistant to fire attacks.

DC 30: .Emberglows attack with ranged fire attacks which affect creatures who are in squares directly behind each other (in a line). Emberglows are vulnerable to cold-based attacks.


Creative Role Playing
  (801) 282-2778   creativeroleplaying@gmail.com