
Emberglow Veteran
Medium elemental magical beast (fire)
Level 16 Artillery
1,400 XP
war toller bell miniature

Miniature: "Magma" from Heroclix (out of production)

Initiative +16
HP: 160; Bloodied: 80
AC: 32; Fortitude 28, Reflex 32, Will 29
Speed 8
Senses normal
melee-basic Flame Spike (standard; at-will)
+23 vs. AC; 2d10+6 fire damage
line Flame Spit (standard; at-will) auraBeam Attack Type
Range 10; up to 8 squares in a straight line (vertical, horizontal, or diagonal)
+21 vs. Reflex; 2d12 fire damage
Move: Blink dice_fourdice-fivedice-six

Teleport up to 6 squares away from your current square.

Alignment Unaligned Languages Common
str 17 (+10) dex 26 (+16) wis 16 (+11)
con 18 (+12) int 16 (+11) cha 14 (+10)

Resist Fire: 15

Vulnerability to Frost: Emberglows take 50% additional damage (rounded down) when hit with cold-based attacks.

Tactics: Emberglow attempts to position itself such that its Flame Spit affects as many targets as possible (those in a line), using its teleport to avoid attacks of opportunity. It attempts to stay as far away from defenders and strikers as possible, while still staying within range of its Flame Spit.

Emberglow Lore
A character knows the following information about Emberglows with a successful Dungeoneering check:

DC 20: Emberglows are fire elementals.

DC 25: Emberglows are resistant to attacks with the keyword "fire" associated with them.

DC 30: .Emberglows attack with ranged fire attacks which affect creatures who are in squares directly behind each other (in a line). Emberglows are vulnerable to cold-based attacks.


Creative Role Playing
  (801) 282-2778   creativeroleplaying@gmail.com