
Flame Archon
Medium Elemental Humanoid (fire)
Level 15 Soldier
XP 1200
magma demon

"Human Torch" by Heroclix

Initiative +15 Perception +16
HP: 120; Bloodied: 60
AC: 27; Fortitude 27, Reflex31, Will 26
Speed 8
Resist Fire: 30
Vulnerable to Cold: 8
Senses normal
Note: The Flame Archon is similar to the Fire Archon Flameshied from the Revenge of the Giants official module produced by Wizards. I created this version of the creature because the group I was running were of level 15, rather than 12, for which the C1 Encounter in the module was built.
melee-basic Scimitar (standard; at-will) Fire, Weapon
+22 vs. AC; d6+8 damage plus 1d8 fire damage
close-blast Flameshield Enticement (standard, Recharge dice-onedice-twodice-three) Fire
Close burst 3; +20 vs Fortitude; 2d8 fire damage and the target is pulled 2 squares, target takes 10 ongoing fire damage
Fire Mark, Fire
Flame archon deals an additional d10 damage against any enemy marked by it, including the amount of fire damage dealt by its Flameshield Enticement. Flame archon can mark as a minor action, including a minor action taken instead of a movement or standard action, allowing it to mark more than one target per turn. At most, three targets can be marked at a time.
Alignment Chaotic Evil Languages Primordial
str 25 (+16) dex 23 (+15) wis 15 (+10)
con 22 (+15) int 14 (+11) cha 15 (+11)
Tactics: Flame Archons attempt to mark as many enemies as possible and pull them in close, so that its Flameshield Enticement damages more enemies who have been marked.

During turns in which it does not move, it will use its Fire Mark in place of a movement action if this would allow it to more quickly have 3 enemies marked at once or to more quickly change the enemies it marks, where doing so would be advantageous.

Flame Archon Lore
A character knows the following information about Flame Archonswith a successful Arcana check:

DC 20: Flame Archons have resistance to fire

DC 25: Flame Archons are vulnerable to cold damage


Creative Role Playing
  (801) 282-2778   creativeroleplaying@gmail.com