
Haunted Armor
medium undead
Level 8 Soldiar
350 XP
war toller bell miniature

Miniature: "Specter" from Mage Knight (out of production)

Initiative +8
HP: 90; Bloodied: 45
AC: 24; Fortitude 18, Reflex 21, Will 20
Speed 6
Senses normal
melee-basic Sword Strike (standard; at-will)
+11 vs. AC; d10+8
meleeSword Sweep (meelee; recharge dice-threedice_fourdice-fivedice-six)
+9 vs. AC; targets up to 3 adjacent enemies; d10+2 damage
meleeBloody Strike (meelee; recharge dice-threedice_fourdice-fivedice-six)
Reach 2; +12 vs. Fort; d12+6 and ongoing 5 damage (save ends)
close-blastDeathcall (standard; at-will)
Close blast 1; targets enemies; +4 vs. Will; d6+2 and stuns (save ends)
Alignment Evil Languages Common
str 18 (+4) dex 17 (+3) wis 14 (+2)
con 18 (+4) int 15 (+2) cha 14 (+2)

Vulnerable Radient: 3

Tactics: Haunted Armor are strikers with high armor class, making them excellent in the middle of battle, where they can use their sword sweep to damage multiple targets. They strike vulnerable targets with the Bloody Strike in an attempt to finish them off.

Haunted Armor Lore
A character knows the following information about Haunted Armors with a successful Religion check:

DC 20: Haunted Armors are vulnerable to radient attacks.

DC 25: Haunted Armors can strike multiple adjacent targets.



Creative Role Playing
  (801) 282-2778   creativeroleplaying@gmail.com