
Nature Force
Medium Elemental Magical Beast (earth)
Level 15 Artillery
XP 1,200
magma demon

"Oak Mage" by Mage Knight, Sorcery expansion

Initiative +15 Perception +14
HP: 150; Bloodied: 75
AC: 30, 34 vs. Ranged Attacks
Fortitude 28, Reflex 30, Will 27
Immune: disease, poison
Speed 6, burrow 6; climb 6; is not affected by difficult terrain
Senses darkvision
tremorsense 20
melee-basic Stone Smash (standard; at-will)
+22 vs. AC; 2d8+7 damage; on a critical hit, Nature Force may push target up to 3 squares
meleeEarth Burrow (standard; at-will)
Nature Force moves up to its burrow speed (6) through soil or loose rock. If moving through solid rock, speed is reduced to 3 squares. Earth Burrow does not provoke opportunity attacks.

Nature Force erupts from the earth into a square adjacent to the last square it moved through the earth, throwing out rocks and dirt. The squares adjacent to the square into which the Nature Force ends its Earth Burrow action are considered difficult terrain. Nature Force is not affected by this difficult terrain (or any other difficult terrain).
+25 vs. Reflex; 2d8+1 damage
rangedVine Strangle (standard, at-will)
Description: Roots emerge from the floor or walls near target, wrapping around their legs and reaching upwards toward their neck, squeezing the target.
Range: 10; +23 vs. Fortitude; 2d8+2; target is immobilized (save ends)
Alignment Unaligned Languages Deep Speech, Primordial
str 28 (+17) dex 15 (+11) wis 16 (+12)
con 27 (+17) int 14 (+12) cha 14 (+11)

Tactics: Uses its Earth Burrow attack to stay out of melee combat. Uses Vine Strangle to hold melee damage dealers at a distance.

Nature Force Lore
A character knows the following information about Nature Forces on a successful Nature check:

DC 20: Nature Forces live in caves, underground areas, and forests. They are excellent diggers and climbers, often used in sieges against well-defended fortresses.

DC 25: Nature Forces can grasp their prey from a distance with its roots, attempting to strangle its prey.


Creative Role Playing
  (801) 282-2778   creativeroleplaying@gmail.com