
Plaguebrood Matron
Large Aberrant Magical Beast
Level 15 Controller
XP 1,200
magma demon

"Plagebrood Larva"
by Dreamblade

Initiative +13 Perception +15
HP: 200; Bloodied: 100
AC: 34
Fortitude 32, Reflex 30, Will 30
Immune: Acid
Speed 6, climb 4
Senses darkvision

ranged-basic Acid Spit (standard; at-will)
Description: Plaguebrood Matron spits a stream of acid at a single target.
Attack: Ranged 15 (one creature); Acid Spit does not provoke opportunity attacks due to ranged attacks made while adjacent to enemy.
+25 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8+2 damage; ongoing 10 acid damage per round (save ends);
area-burstVomit Launch (standard; at-will)
Description: Plagubrood Matron launches a ball of acidic vomit at a target space
Attack: Area burst 2 within 10 (enemies within burst); +25 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d8+3 damage and targets are blinded until end of next round.
auraDistracting Images (illusion) auraAura 6
Description: Plagubrood Matron appears to be in several places at a time.
-2 to melee and ranged attack rolls (no effect on blast, burst, area of affect attacks)
Spawn Broodling (minor action) auraRecharge dice_fourdice-fivedice-six
Plaguebrood Matron spawns a Plaguebrood Broodling.
The Spawn Broodling power recharges each time Plaguebrood Matron is dealt damage.
Alignment Unaligned Languages Deep Speech
str 28 (+17) dex 15 (+11) wis 16 (+12)
con 27 (+17) int 14 (+12) cha 14 (+11)

Tactics: To protect itself from ranged attackers more than 6 squares away (those for whom Distracting Images has no effect), Plaguebrood Matron prefers settings with many obstacles which block line of sight.

Plaguebrood Matron Lore
A character knows the following information about Plaguebrood Matrons on a successful Dungeoneering check:

DC 20: Plaguebrood Matrons spit acid and are immune to acid.

DC 25:Plaguebrood Matrons spawn broodlings, which swarm their prey.

Plaguebrood Spawn
Small Aberrant Magical Beast
Level 15 Minion
XP 300

These counters would
work great for
Plaguebrood Spawn

Initiative +10 Perception +10
HP: 1 (minion) Bloodied: N/A
AC: 29
Fortitude 320, Reflex 28, Will 28
Speed 6, climb 4
Senses darkvision

ranged-basic Acid Spit (standard; at-will)
Description: Plaguebrood Matron spits a stream of acid at a single target.
Attack: Ranged 15 (one creature); Acid Spit does not provoke opportunity attacks due to ranged attacks made while adjacent to enemy.
+25 vs. Reflex

Hit: 2d6+2 damage; ongoing 10 acid damage per round (save ends);
Alignment Unaligned Languages (none)
str 28 (+17) dex 15 (+11) wis 16 (+12)
con 27 (+17) int 14 (+12) cha 14 (+11)

Creative Role Playing
  (801) 282-2778   creativeroleplaying@gmail.com