
Warning Toller
Large Construct
Level 6 Skirmisher
XP 250
war toller bell miniature

Miniature: "War Toller" by Dreamblade (out of production) on custom base

Initiative +10
HP: 100; Bloodied: 50
AC: 20; Fortitude 17, Reflex15, Will 17
Speed 6
Senses normal
melee-basicHammer Attack (standard; at-will)
Reach 2; +8 vs. AC; 2d6+3
close-blastConcussive Blast dice-onedice-twodice-threedice_four
Close blast:3; +5 vs. Fortitude
d6 +2 per additional Warning Toller within 4 squares thunder damage
Hit: Pushes affected creatures 2 squares. If the two squares behind affected creatures are occupied by one or more creatures, all are knocked prone. If a wall or other impassible obstacle occupies one or more of the squares, the affected creature is knocked prone.
Defensive Peal (reaction)
Melee or ranged physical, thunder, or lightning attacks which strike Warning Toller for 3 or greater damage deal d4 damage to creatures within 3 squares. Double this damage if this occurs in an area smaller than 40'x40' (8x8 squares).
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common
str 17 (+3) dex 13 (+1) wis 15 (+3)
con 18 (+4) int 15 (+2) cha 14 (+2)
Tactics: Warning Tollers are set as sentries and guards. They prefer to fight in close quarters, where their Defensive Peal does double damage. When more than one Warning Toller fight together, they attempt to get within a few squares of one another, so their Consussive Blast does more damage (+2 per additional Warning Toller within 4 squares). If attacked by ranged attackers from more than 3 squares away, they will either move within 3 squares of the closes enemy (so they will take Defensive Peal damage) or they will attempt to move out of the line of fire of ranged attackers.

War Toller Lore
A character knows the following information about Warning Tollers with a successful Arcana check:

DC 15: Warning Tollers are constructs normally set as guards or sentries.

DC 20: Warning Tollers attack with their hammer or with sonic attacks.

DC 30: When hit with physical damage, they deal damage to enemies around them.


Creative Role Playing
  (801) 282-2778   creativeroleplaying@gmail.com